Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Eggs are Eggs, Mayo is Not

I love my Mother, I will say this first so that I am covered for today’s post. Growing up we are all subjected to new recipes or food experiments our mom and dad try out. I remember clearly when my parents went on healthy food kicks. Oatmeal for breakfast, weird tuna creations for lunch, and Pasta without sauce for dinner. Not all these trials were errors or failures, some turned out really good and have become family favorites. Conversely, others ended up as failures of grand proportions.

One of these occurrences, came about as a quick fix for a lack of basic cooking ingredient. My mother had promised us biscuits for lunch, and we loved biscuits, in particular I do. Jesus said "man cannot live on bread alone," well I am almost convinced Jesus never had a Biscuit with jelly on it, or he may have had told a different parable that day. Now that I have established how much my family likes those flaky and wonderful creations, you will have insight into how horrendous this day was.

We were all patiently awaiting lunch and in the kitchen my mom was busy making the gravy, sausage and other items while the oven heated up, she mixed all the main ingredients, Flour, baking soda... eggs... but on that day, we had no eggs. I am not a cook, and I really have no clue what eggs do in baking, but I do know they are important and cannot be left out. The lunch making came to a halt, as my mother thought about how to best handle this issue. She was presented with a few options.

1. Go and buy more eggs. This was in my mind the best solution, we needed some eggs, and we could buy some eggs.

2. Put the Biscuit mix in the fridge and explain to the kids we would have them for dinner, when my dad came home with some eggs. This was also a viable option, one that would end with biscuits on the table.

3. Substitute the eggs with another dairy product. This could work, I suppose. Only problem being we had no other dairy product in the house.

So what did my smart mom end up doing? Putting an equal amount of Mayonnaise into the batter in place of eggs. The reasoning behind this being Mayo has egg whites in it. As she explained this to us, it made sense, eggs are eggs right. Wrong, my adult self-wishes it could go back in time and reveal the disaster that was about to unfurl. Alas, it cannot be that way.

Biscuits made, scent in the air, mouths watering, we buttered or put gravy on these wonderful looking homemade delicacies. Said a blessing and took our firsts bites into these yummy... I mean awful biscuits. They were horrible, the younger children spat them out. The baby started crying, we all started whining. The lessons learned that day were permanent, and the tastes were everlasting.

Never substitute anything with mayonnaise, the end results is not worth the effort nor the wasted food.  Now go buy some Bojangles biscuits.

Hope today is great!

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