Monday, April 14, 2014

What does Space sound like?

I heard one of the most amazing things today. I heard outer space. I know what some of you brainiacs may be thinking, that I can’t hear sound cause there is no sound in space. This is true, while sound waves have nothing to vibrate in, that doesn't mean there is no sound. As the above NASA Video shows, we can interpret sound from activities in the realm of the stars. I have always been fascinated with the heavens and probably always will be. How amazing is it that we on Earth have a machine out in space recording information and sending it to us back here on earth. It’s not as amazing as actually being there, but it is amazing that we now have access to this stellar info.

The Voyager program which began decades ago is in my mind one of the most amazing things mankind has done. The Great Wall is great, the Pyramids are cool, but Voyager I and II have to be up there in the list of mankind's greatest achievements.  After leaving the Solar System last year it just makes it that much more of a feat. Several years ago, Voyager I took a picture of us from across the proverbial street.

File:Family portrait (Voyager 1).png
The "family portrait" of the Solar System taken by Voyager 1.
This picture was taken in 1990 on Valentine’s Day and to me still stands as a testament to what we can do as a team.

While the Voyager's are still moving further away from us, they are bringing the Universe that much closer. It’s beyond the scope of my mind to imagine just how massive this place called the Universe actually is. If this hasn’t blown your mind you are a much smarter person than me. For the rest of us though, I hope this has made your Monday just a bit more amazing.

Hope today's a good one,

And just for good measure, here is Chris Tomlin with a song that really fits today's post.

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