Monday, November 9, 2015

Special Days

There are a few days in our lives that really matter. Obviously the most important day to each of us has to be the day of our birth, Mine happens to be the 18th of March, (Just in case you all want to send me something) or me the day of my marriage to my wife was pretty damn important, but currently I think the most important day of my life, like a really special day, was the day my son was born. I still consider myself a new parent, both poop and puck still make me gag, I may have tried to hose my child off once or twice. And some days I wish baby's came with a mute button. take all that into account and I would still accept it. The late night, early mornings, trips to the hospital and yes even diapers.

Its something that I am still trying to understand entirely, but its coming into focus. I don't understand everything yet, but I do know I love that little red head kid more than anything (even computer games) I try to make my posts upbeat and happy, but this one will have a bit more of a somber life lesson feel.

My sister needs help today, so that one day she can have the joy of a child. Due to medical reasons, which I don't know all the details, she will be having her last ovary removed. But there is good news, the doctors and the amazing world we live in now, can save the innards and will be able to put the little eggs of ice for some time. Only problem, they want to be paid for this service.

$5500.00 is the magic number and she has done something I have seen on Social media before.

That is the link for her Crowd source site. She needs to raise some money for this procedure, so any help for her will be appreciated. A side note on these crowd funding. I think this goes a long way to show that Mankind cares for one another more than the media and nay-sayers let on. I was browsing through the funds and I was excited to see so many successful stories of people who were able to overcome lives hurdles with ease, because of the help from normal people.

I will end with a humorous note:
My wife was eating lunch one day, when the house became quiet, to quiet... she went from peaceful mother to frantic mother in an instant. Where was the baby, and what was he doing. I'm sure this is a common motherly instinct, which is a good thing, because my fatherly instinct is if he is not screaming he must be okay.
Well she was searching through out the house,  and made it to our sons room. He had found the diaper pail, and was currently rubbing the only poopy diaper into the carpet. While it took him only seconds to paint his masterpiece, it took my wife an hour or two to clean it up. This was relayed to me via an email, and I have to say some days I have been thankful to be deployed. That was one day I was thankful, because poop and me don't mix well.

I am praying my sister gets to experience cleaning human poop out of the carpet, maybe we can all help her out with that.

hope your day is amazing,

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