Friday, March 21, 2014

A Brave Fox

On my drive into work today I saw a Black fox, first off i didn't know foxes came in black, nor that here in Virginia we had foxes. I suppose that may be a little obvious but i still did not know these facts. But this fox may be the bravest creature I have ever met.

While driving in I see the animal run across the road, nothing new there, it happens all the time. I have even hit deer that have tried this activity. But no, what made this noteworthy as well as amazing was what this fox was doing. He was transporting a pile if branches across the street. Braving traffic with every crossing, and return crossing. This fox was dedicated to moving these sticks across the road. I watched him make 3 trips, and on the last one before I left to get into work on time, he stopped midway in the road and (barked) at the truck stopped so as not to hit him.

Either this fox was crazy, or foxes have evolved to the level of sophistication as to need wood to build homes. I'm just saying does this sound like Narnia may be real?

Hope Todays a good day,

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