Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Little About Me

I suppose like all great introductions, i should start by saying hello. "Hello!" I am a Virginian, that fact inspired the name of this blog as well as the basic reason for my blog. I will share the places I go, the people I meet and my thoughts/interests/hobbies with you in hopes it may inspire you to follow the same path or start a new one. The other reason for the name choice, is I may own a tiny piece of land in Virginia, but my real domain, or Dominion is in my head. In that domain I am King, and all my thoughts are subject to my rule. That's kinda cool right? So enjoy the entertainment and knowledge my subjects will share with you, maybe we all will learn something?

I found this article while surfing the web this morning. The fact that this ringwoodite in the mass scientists believe to exist, has more water than the oceans is incredible. I think that science like this is what keeps mankind so inquisitive, Before reading this i would have been okay with knowing that there is dirt that I can dig in and somewhere down there is a mantle layer of melted rocks. I was really very exited to hear, not only that this new rock existed, but how important its discovery really was, and what this means for extraterrestrial exploration.

I must confess I am a huge fan of manned space flights and am anxiously awaiting the day man travels to Mars. And after reading this, its even more possible to think there could be water on Mars. Wishful thinking maybe, but boy wouldn't that be neat to be on another planet.

"Given the new findings of ringwoodite's water-bearing capabilities, its abundance at depth, and its beautiful hue, the term "blue planet" seems even more appropriate for Earth."

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