Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Drag Racing. In a Prius?

Today. Was. Epic. Well, at least for me and my fellow Prius Driver. Yes, I drive a Prius. No, I'm not gay. And yes my fuel efficiency is really amazing. Now that that's out of the way, I was driving to work and came to a red light and in the lane next to me a USMC marine pulled up next to me in ... a red Prius! Now, to some people this wouldn't mean much, and i didn't think a thing of it, until i heard what sounded to be a engine revving up. Have you ever heard a Prius rev? neither had I, but it was unmistakable. and the Marine was looking right at me, with that look only a marine can. I look at him, and he looked back at me and then to the road. Time stood still, honor was at stake. Who would be able to push their 4 cylinder engine to the max?

It was at this moment I put William Tells Overture on blast from my iPod, and to those trumpets blaring, the light turned green. Both cars leaped forward as fast as they could, neck and neck we raced through the intersection. 10...20...30...45 we were flying now. the car shifted gears and 55...65...70mph. We were nearing the end of the imaginable speed. And we flew past a police officer. (here I must add, the speed limit on this road is 45.) looking in the rear view mirror as my heart raced for fear of the impending ticket, I was quickly put at ease as the lights turned back off, and what appeared to be a laughing police officer went back to his vigilant watch.

At this time, both Marine and Sailor realized the close call and chose to put aside our honor bound race. As we both turned into the exit lane, he even took it upon himself to wave a friendly farewell. I waved back and continued on my way, going the speed limit.

Now, this story may seem silly, and to some of you who have cars that can go 100s of Mph. it may seem even more funny. But, it was fun, and its not everyday you get to see a Prius drag race.

Hope todays a good one!

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