Thursday, March 27, 2014

On the Matter of Shooting a Sister

What boy at some time in his life does not dream of being Robin Hood? I did on an almost daily basis from the age of 13-15. This dream was even further realized when my loving parents bought me for Christmas a real compound bow and a dozen arrows to go with it. I may as well have been Hood incarnate. My band of merry men, who most days consisted of my younger brother, but occasionally was accompanied by a maid or two. The maids were in fact sisters who had nothing better to do than play Robin Hood or other historic time period game.

All young boys dream of these things, but I was special, I had the bow, and a leather pouch. I had semi-devoted followers and i had a back yard. The three mixed together to form a great childhood. That was, until the day I had an idea. (Ideas tend to end horribly for me.)

My parents had left for the day, and we the children were at home under the watchful eye of myself. For I was a responible lad of 16, and could be trusted with the well being of my younger siblings for a few hours. Schoolwork was done, PBS had boring shows on, so with nothing else to do we headed outside to enjoy a spirng day in Norfolk.

I dont remember much of the outdoor activities that day, but I do recall posing the idea that we shoot my youngest sister with a aerosoft gun. we all rushed inside to gather the weapons. during the mad rush inside this idea morphed into another. "lets shoot her with the bow!" Now I know what your thinking, Bows are dangerous and leathal. We were thinkng the same thing. So to remedy this grabing a pillow and a wooden dowel, we prepared her for the adventure. The pillow so as not to hurt, and the dowel, because well it made sence without a arrow point it wouldnt stick in her head, (I never made the claim this made sence to an adult.)

Being preped, with pillow tied to head and dowel fitted to bow string, she was given one last opprtunity to say no. The muffled "MHMMHMHMMM!!!!" and flaining of arms must have ment she was ready so pulling the sting back (Halfway so as not to hurt to much) I released the dowel, which in turn bounced off the pillow. All was wonderfull!

At least untill my sister fell to the floor like a brick. Apparently a single pillow is not enoupgh to blunt a dowel being fired point blank. My world further unravled when at this moment my parents decided to come home, and as molly hit the floor I heard my mother ask for help unloading the van.

The sisters vanish and the shot sister runs downstairs saying such horrendous things had occurred. I am called downstairs to explain the awkward red dot forming on my sisters forehead, which bore a remarkable resemblance to a Hindu Bindi. At this time shooting her seemed like a bad idea, and I tired to explain to my parents how we had taken every precaution to avoid injury.

Well, they didn't buy it, and Robin Hood was forcibly dis-armed. Apparently the sheriff (Father) had not heard of my 2nd amendment right. The story ends well, no one died, no one was injured badly...

And that was a day in the life.

Hope todays a good one!

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