Sunday, March 30, 2014

Suicidal Pets

Sometimes I find it hard to believe my animals are still alive. Not through any active trial or error of my own, but by shear stroke of luck. I have two German Shepherds, and I love each of them in a special part of my heart. I'd have to, because I don’t think many other people in the world have that "special" type of heart needed to love to growing shepherds. I digress, the reason I mentioned suicidal pets, is Rouge our oldest shepherd, used to be an only child, she still resents Loki, the younger one for changing this fact I am almost 99% sure of that. Anyhow, Rouge used to have full reign of the downstairs while my wife and I were out and about the town. On this particular day, we were on the way to a kid’s birthday party for one of my wife’s friends. We had been gone for roughly 12 minutes, when we realized we had forgotten the present. What kind of people would we be if we didn’t bring the newly minted 5 year old a present. We didn’t want to find out, so we turned around to retrieve the gift.

On entering my house, I saw cardboard everywhere. I yelled at rouge that when I came home she would have hell to pay. Running upstairs I grabbed the gift (that I had wrapped very well, I might add.) And flew back downstairs. Cake may not melt, but ice cream sure does. It was on the downward decent I noticed what was on the cardboard. "d-Con Kills" rat poison. I went from slightly annoyed at my dog to deathly afraid for her, because I also saw the empty packets of poison strewn about the floor now. All six packs had been ripped open, and consumed. I had always wanted to be a vet, up until that moment, now all I could think about was my dog was about to die and she wouldn’t have enough time to get to the vet.

I called rouge over and leashed her up, we went to the front yard where my wife sat wondering why I was bringing the dog. She was about to be even more confused when I began sticking my fingers down the dogs throat. This summoned her out from the car. Fingers were not making the dog hack, so I moved further in, now my forearm was being munched on by rouge who was probably wondering what new form of punishment this was, cause that’s what my wife sure was thinking. She let me know it was mean to punish Rouge this way, as my elbow now was in the dog’s mouth. This wasn’t working. I yelled we have to go to the vet the dumb dog ate all the rat poison. We both now very worried about the dog got into the Subaru and rushed to Pet smart, the closest Vet.

I should now say, that rat poison was on the very tippy top shelf of my closet, this dog as I later found out climbed up a 4ft ladder I had propped on the wall nearby, then jumped to the top shelf from this ladder. To say this dog is not the most incredible athlete ever would be a lie. She can also clear a 4ft fence like it’s nothing.

At the vet now,, problem diagnosed and treated with Black Coal Tar in her, she still refused to throw up so, the poor intern at the vet had to give her 3 cups of Hydrogen Peroxide and go on a run. This finally made Rouge puke up most of the rat poison. I never want to be a vet now. That same Intern then had to clean up the vomit.

So coming home with a vitamin K regimen for the dog and a hefty vet bill of $489.99 and the promise from the vet that Rouge had an okay chance of coming through this, we locked her up in the kennel and turned the TV on, only then did we remember we were still holding my nicely wrapped gift for the 5 year old. Who would get said gift another day.

Hope todays a good one,

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