Thursday, June 16, 2016

How fried chicken ruined my day

When a woman is pregnant, I'm sure it's supposed to be a wonderful time. I mean the commercials portray this time of life as blissful and wonderful. A time when humanity takes some time off and is nice to each other, there are smiles and happiness. As anyone who has been pregnant or has known someone who has been pregnant, you will know that that is the furthest from the truth. Your nights are spent aching, while you toss and turn looking for that 1cm of bed that's actually comfortable, and that 1cm just happens to be in the last 4 inch strip of the bed your husband is gripping onto.

You know that heat and cold take on new and miserable meanings, you will never be comfortable again while the baby is growing. It will always be too hot or too cold, and some days it may be a little of both. And your appetite will turn into that of an alien. Pickles, peanut butter, anchovies and chocolate... the list defies belief and even the mothers to be shudder when they realize what it is they are eating. All the while, the food can't be eaten fast enough.

If you can't tell, my wife and I are expecting #2, and the pregnancy has hit full force.... 6 weeks in....I love my wife and it was at her behest that I write this post. I mean lets face it, this stuff is just to funny not to share.

We had had a long day of errands and it was finally coming to a close. In my house after long days out it's just easier to eat out, or pick something up to bring home. This day in particular we decided to get food so  Logan the Terrible could be put in the dungeon... I mean his bed room for bed. The chores done, the shopping done, and the ice cream melting in the shopping bags in the trunk, a good day over all.

Throughout the day my wife had been commenting over and over and over that she really wanted to have some fried chicken. Which is pregnancy code for, "we better go and get some fried chicken soon or else something or someone is going to die a slow and painful death and they will never find the bodies, and if they do there won't be anything left to identify it as a human." So accordingly I stepped on the gas and sped in search of the closest chicken place.

Jo lurched forward in her seat and yelled and pointed, "THERE! POPEYES!!!" I swerved to make the turn into the parking lot, likely running a car off the road, but in times of war sacrifices must be made. I sped around the building to get in the drive-through and stomped on the brakes when to my wife's horror, there was a line. To be fair, it was a really long line... about 5 cars long.

I looked over at my silent wife and was about to say I am sorry that there's a line, when I saw something that made me start to smile. My wife's upper lip was trembling, and the tears were welling up, and then the flood gates broke. She knew it was nothing, but she couldn't help herself, the line of now 4 cars was just the last straw of the day. she turned to me and explained as only a pregnant hungry woman can, that life was so unfair and that this was just too much.

She went on to explain how these people couldn't possibly all want fried chicken, and as the line shrunk to 2 cars she had to turn around and comfort our son who must have assumed his mother had lost her mind and was bawling for no reason.

next in line the tears began to dry and she anxiously began to scan the menu for what she wanted. I thought about letting her know that they sold, chicken and chicken, and oh look chicken, but after looking at the face reading the chicken menu, I decided it was wiser to not say anything. We got the food, went home, ate, and put Logan to bed. It was only then that my wife cuddled up to me and whispered into my ear, that if I ever told anyone about her breaking down she would have to kill me.

But, I'm glad my wife can laugh at the funny moments in life like this, if not I'm pretty sure I wouldn't last very long, because I lead a funny life, and it wasn't to long after that night, she recanted and suggested I write about the night. I love my wife, I love my life, and boy can I tell you, there's a never ending stream of humor in it.

hope todays a good one,

edit: This Post has spent along time in draft. We are almost 6 months in now!

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