Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Do Not Do As I Do, Or You'll Get What I Got

July 4th was a wonderful holiday for me, I personally love fireworks and to that end from my parent’s new house I was able to see something like nine displays, all at the same time. Can’t be beat; it is the best way to spend the day, apart from, a new pool, and hot tub. I mean where was this when I was growing up?  I got to spray the water hose and a blow up pool from Wally world. Oh well. Life is life and I guess my cards said no pools.

Anyhow, as the title suggests do not do as I do or doo doo do... you get the picture. I was driving home to Norfolk for the 4th, and recently my wife and I have decided we will drive on the back roads going everywhere we can. So I was in the country, with my two dogs in the back just cruising down State route 17. Apparently, and who knew this, signaling when you change lanes is something the state of Virginia smiles on. Also, Police really dislike it when you cut them off.

Now to be fair to myself, I didn’t see the cop, but boy I heard his tires chirp! As I looked back at what could have caused this noise, or who got in an accident, I got a real good look at the officer’s face. Let's just say he was not as cheer filled as Sherif Andy Taylor...

The lights go on the sirens blares, and I think to myself, here we go again. I pull over as the good citizen I am, roll my window down, get all the paperwork ready and waited for the inevitable. "Sonny, do know why you got pulled over?" In my head I ran through about a dozen very sarcastic remarks before deciding on the very humble, yet non guilt admitting, "Sir, I think I failed to signal." “Yes and you almost hit my squad car young man, I’m going to need to see your license and registration and insurance." This conversation took place with Loki my big black Shepard barking his head off at this apparent intruder who was threatening his person.

I handed him the requested papers as well as my concealed carry permit. The officer’s attitude immediately changed from pissed off with me to... “Well, Sir, Let me write this ticket real quick and we will get you on your way. Fastest ticket I have ever got, from Sirens to Signing the paper took maybe 6 minutes. Also, I resemble an off duty canine unit, that was his last question to me before wishing me a good day and a... "Stay safe this weekend sir."

With that I was on my way again, Loki must not have realized the police stop was over because he continued barking for another 20 minutes.

 The morale of this story is, don’t cut off cops, they really don’t like it. But if you do, know they won’t like you very much, and will write you a "Failure to Signal" ticket.

Hope todays a good one,



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