Wednesday, October 22, 2014


My wife and I love yard sailing. It really is the closest thing Americans have to a Middle Eastern market, or the idea of bartering. There is nothing more thrilling, (when buying stuff) than knowing that guy asked you for $100.00 and you gave him $27.50 and he helped you load it up. Yes I love Pawn Stars and American Pickers and any other show that has people trying to get the most money for their junk on TV. And, even more I like to ply my tradecraft and get the best deal I can for my shopping.

That all being said a very well to do neighborhood was having a community yard sale. BINGO, rich people getting rid of nice stuff, we woke up early and left for the sales! We drove by a few very small sales, Lots of cloths and such. I was holding out for the big screen TV and Couches that were bound to be here. We drove by some people selling 4 pairs of shoes ... and that was it. We drove by someone trying to sell their car, I had never seen that before, but it was nice. we were getting depressed because this was supposed to be a great yard sale.

On the last street we said we would drive down before just going to set up for a craft fair later that morning, we found the best sale of them all. A young girl maybe nine or ten and her four or five year old brother were selling lemonade and coffee. While my wife said she wasn't in the mood for either, I thought I would help these kids out. I got out and asked for a cup of coffee and one of the pumpkin and chocolate chip muffins, (yes, even still warm muffins.)

They weren’t asking for a set price, just donations so I pulled out my yard sailing wad of ones, and counted out 4 dollars. The young boy leaned over to his sister, and under his breath in a whisper that could be heard round the world he says. "OH MY GOD THIS GUY IS RICH!." His eyes were about the size of half dollars and his mouth reminded me of a codfish. I smiled and tried so very hard not to laugh. If he only knew what rich meant.

Later on that day I began to think, 4 dollars to this kid was rich. And I had to think about what rich actually means. To me, and I hope for all of my readers. Rich isn't just an idea of money. My life is rich; I have a Wife and a Family who adore me, a dog who adores me and a job to be productive at. I even am blessed with as much food and drink as I could want. I get to choose to sleep under the stars as a fun time. I have not one but two cars. That kid was right I am RICH!

Hope todays a good one,

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