Friday, March 13, 2015

Did I Try?

Does the simple fact of breathing mean that I accomplished something today? If it does not, then I think it should. I mean think about it, how much effort does it take to roll out of bed? I think I burn enough calories from that to deserve the large number 2 from Chik-fil-a with the large Coke no ice. No really, what makes a really productive day? What is the set of measurements that we use to decide how successful the day has been?
Does your standard differ from mine? After some consideration I think I arrived at a spot. As for me I think when I go to bed at night the measure of success is this.
Did I try to do something? Did I try to help someone? Did I try something new? It all boils down to those three words doesn't it. Did I try. Your measure could differ so greatly from mine, though at the core, if we don't try then we will never succeed, at anything. It's an interesting thing trying, it requires effort, some bravery and maybe some fool hardy chances. I equate Try and Chance, I think it's an interesting connection. The saying goes, "take a chance"  I suppose you can say, "take a try." When we chance something, we acknowledge that we have an opportunity to fail. This is acceptable to us because we are taking a chance, a gamble, we play the lottery knowing full well that we will most likely not win big. On the other hand, how many times will we not try something new, or try to do something not popular because we might fail. Has society made the option of failure so distasteful to us that we no longer are willing to take a chance, or try? In my opinion if we are willing to make a gamble, we should be just as excited to try at something that we can fail at. Try, Try and Try again.
So did I try? Today, I think I tried a lot. I tried to help my co-workers, I tried to Improve my daily tasking at work, and I tried to make everyone laugh. In my book I tried.
Sometimes I think I resemble Pooh Bear thinking... or at least a steam engine letting off steam. So in ending, while I garner more steam to think about my next post. I leave you with this, Try something, the worse that could happen is failure, but you could discover something new and amazing!
As always, hope your day is amazing... and filled with a new experience.

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Pooptine Chapel

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