Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Do You Even Sleep Bro?

My son, can sleep like the best of them. One day he fell asleep standing up in his crib, and the fell over onto the mattress. He didn't wake up , he didn't jerk awake, just started his little baby snore. I don't know where he got this sleeping power, possibly from me, but I think most lily from his mother. (She is a professional sleeper... yes those do exist its a real thing.) through the day she proves to mankind that yes, you can take a nap at 2pm, and yes good things will happen if you do.  So between the both of his parents, this boy knows how to close his eyes.

The Sleeping Giant
He sleeps in the car
He sleeps in my lap
He sleeps on the floor at random times of the day
He sleeps in his high chair
He sleeps at the store in shopping carts
He sleeps when we have music blaring cleaning the house

He sleeps pretty much whenever, however and for as long as he feels like it. Yesterday he woke up for a little snack, he does this everyday, and then goes back to bed for another hour or two. My wife made a comment about just feed him the bottle and then he will go back to bed, I siad yup just like we always do. Now I dont know if he did this on purpose or not, but he let out the most evil laupgh I have ever heard come from a baby, after an exchange of glances with  my wife, we chuckled and waited for him to fall back asleep...he then proceeded to stay awake for the next 9 hours...

Anyhow, the above picture just goes to prove this kid will sleep anywhere. I walked into the room one day to discover him sitting here face shoved against the crib, like he was trying to shove his little baby face into the rails. I did what any self respecting parent would do in this situation, no not put him in the crib, though I did this later. No, I took a picture and wrote about it so he will one day be embarrassed and hate me for my iPhone skills.

Some days I am thankful my parents did not have cameras they could just tote with them everywhere they went, taking 1000's of pictures of every little thing we did as children... I feel bad for my children, technology is such a horrible thing.

As always, have a great day!


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